Biepbot is a waspling who lived most of his life as an Earth pony. Despite his intelligence and skill in various fields, he still hasn't figured out how to use magic or how to fly properly, shapeshifting, however, seemed to come naturally to him after he found out he was a waspling. He's known as a somewhat grumpy pony around town, but still rather helpful towards others. Angering him is hard, but it's also... not recommended.
Vivid is a middle-aged mare who seems to lack a lot of luck. She works as a house painter for a living, and is quite skilled in it. However, with her luck, fights and accidents are common to happen around, or with, her.
Scarlett is a night owl. Her occupation is a bartender, working at the local pub at devilishly late hours. She's used to customers such as changelings and other bats, ponies and gryphons that are latecomers and usually always knows them fairly well.